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& Resource in Difficult Times
At the Law Offices of Eric K. Chen, we fight vigorously to protect our client’s interests. We take pride in providing high-quality legal services delivered with integrity, professionalism, respect, and diligence. We thank you for considering our firm for your legal needs.
Results that Make a Difference
Through hundreds of cases, the Law Offices of Eric Chen has worked to get their clients the results that they deserve and have fought tooth and nail to make sure justice is upheld.
A Century of Experience
The attorneys at the Law Offices of Eric Chen have been serving their clients with over 100 years of combined experience and tens of millions collected in settlements. Whether you have been the victim of negligence, need help with business agreements, are looking to set up an estate plan, have immigration questions, or require family law - we can help.
Our Award-Winning team of attorneys is ready to help you through any legal battles you encounter and are here to be your champion through difficult times.

- Esther L. via Google
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綠卡和工卡 全面更新了!
1月30日開始 發行新設計的卡片 舊卡效期內仍有效 但鼓勵申請新卡 綠卡和工卡又更新了!美國公民及移民服務局 (USCIS) 將於2023年1月30日開始發行重新設計的卡片。目前仍在使用的綠卡及工卡如仍然有效,但是,移民局鼓勵持有這些舊卡的申請人考慮申請一張替換卡,以防止在卡片丟失或被盜時,發生欺詐或篡改。 移民服務局1月30日公開了新的設計,改版的包括俗稱綠卡的永久居留卡,還有俗稱工卡的就業授權文件(EAD)。這項設計變更主要是為了提高綠卡和工卡的安全性。 綠卡用來授予合法的永久居民,其中大部分人有資格申請公民身分。工卡是授予那些可以工作但沒有臨時工作簽證的外國公民的,如最近畢業的高等教育學生、綠卡申請人、尋求庇護者和難民。 新版綠卡與工卡的造型設計細節都有改善,新卡包含最先進的技術,變更包括:全息影像(holographic images)與光學變色油墨(optically variable ink)技術升級,數據填寫欄位顯示位置與現行版本也有不同,觸覺列印(tactile printing)與造型設計更加貼切結合。具備高度防偽效果全息影像在卡片正反面都會出現。卡片背面照片欄的部份視窗,則有多層顯示功能。 “這種重新設計,進一步表明美國移民局致力於採取積極主動的方法,來應對安全檔篡改、偽造和欺詐的威脅,”美國移民局局長 Ur M. Jaddou 說。 “根據我們對不良行為者最新方法的瞭解,以及我們員工的創新和獨創性,對安全檔的持續更新,確保了我們機構發布的安全檔的持續完整性。” 不一定會 拿到新卡 引入新設計並不意味著當前發行的卡片無效。除非另有說明,當前的卡在到期日之前一直有效。 而目前新領到的綠卡或工卡,也不一定就是新卡,所以不是領到新卡也不需要擔心!一些在2023年1 月30日之後簽發的綠卡和工卡,可能仍會是原有版本的綠卡或工卡,因為移民局將繼續使用現有的卡片紙,直到當前的庫存用完為止。

What To Do Immediately After An Auto Accident
Nevada holds a negligent party who caused an accident responsible for paying the resulting damages. But even if you are partially at fault, you may
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